A 3-hour EyesWeb tutorial will be given at the Intetain Conference, May 25-27 2011, Genoa, Italy (
Participation to the EyesWeb tutorial is free but, for organizational reasons, we ask to register in advance by sending an email to
Tutorial2011@intetain.org before May 15, 2011.
The Tutorial will provide an overview of the following recent developments around EyesWeb:
- Improvements to the EyesWeb Mobile platform, including new libraries and demos for active music listening (EU Project SAME), based on mobile phones.
- Introduction to the new version of the EyesWeb Expressive Gesture library.
- Introduction to the new EyesWeb Social Signals library.
- MetaEyesWeb: real-time, dynamic control of multiple patches, based on Python: interactive narrative structures and adaptive interactive systems.
- Introduction to the new EyesWeb GPU Processing Library.
- Presentation of the recent museum installations, including the permanent installation “Viaggiatori di Sguardo”, Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura.
- Support to Kinect.
- Support to Qualisys motion capture system.
Paolo Coletta