Hi all,
the next EyesWeb update is going to be released in about a week. The version number will be
Here are some of the new fetaures:
* Improved auto-generated documentation: added documentation for several blocks and improved layout
* Kernel: added notification of implicit converters usage even in the case of links to parameters (before this, only converters in links to input pins were notified to the user)
* Base Catalog: changed block ReadImagesFromFolder (was System catalog). It is now named ReadImage and has a simplified signature. Patches using this block need to be updated; in many cases the block GetIndexedPath has to be put before the ReadImagesFromFolder block
* Base catalog: added block GetIndexedPath, to extract a file (specified by an index) from a folder.
* Base catalog: added block to read AIFF files (AIFFReader) and a block to extract markings and other info from an AIFF file (AIFFInfo).
* Base catalog: added datatype PCMAudioBuffer (currently only 16 bits PCM is implemented)
* Base catalog: added block PCMComposeChannels to compose the channels of PCM audio buffers
* Base catalog: added block PCMMixer to mix the channels of a PCM audio buffer
* System catalog: AudioDisplayGDI can be now docked and has the fatures common to most EyesWeb displays
* Base catalog: FFTDisplay can be now docked and has the fatures common to most EyesWeb displays
* Base catalog: added block Size2DGenerator
* GUI: added description of selected treeview item (i.e., you do not need to instantiate a block to see its description)
* Base catalog: added some predefined FOURCC to the AviWriter block (simplifies selecting the codec) and added the possibility to change the filename at runtime
* Kernel Catalog: added a working mode to the threshold block to use a single threshold value instead of two
* Base and System Catalogs: improved management of display blocks (lower cpu usage)
* Base Catalog: added blocks SetStrokeProperties and SetFillProperties to change the graphical appearance of geometric objects
* Kernel Catalog: improved MatrixFromFile block to support other separators than white spaces
* Base catalog: fixed an issue with eywconsolercf (needed to support EywRAD) when the base folder for patches was specified as a relative path
* Base catalog: added an option to ReadFile block to delete the .bak files when converting an old format to a new one
...and some fixed bugs:
* Kernel and SDK: fixed a bug with some waiting functions. Wait could be silently abandoned earlier than necessary, causing unpredictable behaviours
* Kernel: fixed bug when saving patches: FitMode and RequiredInterfaces were not saved
* Kernel: fixed bug
http://bugzilla.eyesweb.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=164: when the EywRAD client stopped patch execution, both the client and the EyesWeb server could crash
* Kernel: fixed bug
http://bugzilla.eyesweb.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=161 (output of ScalarArithmeticOperation (double) excessive at Init)
* Kernel: fixed bug
http://bugzilla.eyesweb.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=167 (conversion from integer matrices to double matrices was affected by the installation of the Legacy catalog).
* Base Catalog: fixed bug
http://bugzilla.eyesweb.org/cgi-bin/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=166 (the generic reader crashed when loading file with no saved datatypes)
* SDK (Wizard): defined a title for the wizard dialog, or random characters could be displayed
* BaseCatalog: fixed some issues with FileReader which could cause EyesWeb to crash in the case of corrupted ebf files
Keep in touch to get news about this relase