Hey guys, hope somebody still reads this forum
I'd like to get 3D coordinates of skeleton joints from my shiny Kinect v2.
In EyesWeb 5.7.0, i found the block "KinectExtractorSDKv2", which has the first output pin:
Name: Tracked_Users
Datatype : Labelled set
I couldn't find any block "Labelled Set", but the block "UsersDataManager" allowed connection to this pin.
But what's next? It's 4th output pin is:
Name: User3DCoordinates_1
Datatype : BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Double
What is the block for "BaseGeometricLabelledSet3Double" and how do i convert it to a stream of data?
A joint matrix data output or multiple individual scalar data outputs for every coordinate would be fine.
I need this data stream to feed to the block "Labelled Time Series Training Data Tool", which accepts input:
Name: Training Data
Datatype : Double matrix
If i could get individual scalar data, i would merge it with the block "Scalar To Matrix" before feeding to "LTSTDT".